Syed Abubaker Maliki

Post Box 288, Dubai U.A.E Tel.00971-50-6504263 Indian Address: Maliki House, Nawayat Colony, Bhatkal.581320    Maliki1@hotmail.com

  ISLAM  Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world.  Following are some links to various Islamic sites  where you can learn about Islam, listen to the  Holy Qur'an in Arabic and see the translations in  English, ask questions to Muslim scholars, and  much more.  

Al-Islam  IslamiCity
Islamic Assembly of North America  Islamic Circle of North America 
World Assembly of Muslim Youth  Recitation of Surah Fatiha (RealPlayer)
Islam  - Islam the fastest growing religion Al-Qur'an Al-Kareem Radio Station (Live) 
World WideQibla Directions + Prayer times The Islamic Foundation Bookstore Page
Muslim Scientists and Islamic Civilisation Becoming Muslim
About Al-Islam and Muslims   Islam and Women
A Glossary of Islamic Terms  Islamic Audio Studio
QURANIC Recitation - Sh. Huthayfi Al-Qur'an Sound
Islam Christianity and Science CyberMuslim Information Collective
Ibrahim Shafi's "The Islam Page" English Translation of Sahih Bukhari 
Islamic Links (Qur'an and Hadith)  Various other Islamic sites more than 100 
Islamic Pictures  Holy Ka'ba in Makkah 
Masjid Nabawi in Madinah  Sahih Bukhari  - Hadith
Urdu Dictionary Holy Quran  
What they Say About Quran The Holy Quran 

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 Aap Ke Khat Ka Intezar Rahega - Do write me letterI love urdu Poetry - Please send me your poems.Maliki1@hotmail.com 

Ask a Muslim - For those sincerely seeking Knowledge and Truth

In the Name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful May the peace, guidance and blessings of God be with you. Are you someone who is still seeking the straight path? Have you grown disatisfied with your present belief system? Are you still looking for the "true" way to your Lord and Creator? Are you working your way through the world's maze of religions, searching for "THE" one? Do you need practical answers to spiritual questions? Perhaps you are interested in an informative dialogue and comparative study of religions? Do you still think Muslim and Islam = terrorist and terrorism? Curious about why Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world? If you are looking for answers, here is a good starting place!!!
Now, now. Don't go thinking that I mean I have all the answers. But fear not. Rest assured that there is definitely a way to facilitate a means to that end. That end may be answers to things from, "Why are we here?" to "Why do Muslim women dress that way?" Or just getting clarification of some of the popular myths and misconceptions people have about Islam and Muslims.
Muslims assert that Islam has the answers to the questions mankind has asked since time immemorial. I mean answers that appeal to the logic as well as the hearts of humankind. It is up to you to investigate the accuracy of that claim. Are you ready to examine and consider Islam? Decide how it's answers measure up to what you currently understand? This is an invitation to, an exercise, if you will, designed to develop a broader understanding.
Islam is a complete way of life that is rational, simplistic, and compatible with the needs and requirements of every human being.
Some say it is the nature of man to question his existence, contemplate the reasons for his creation, and his relationship to God. Perhaps, but it is the challenge of every man and woman to go beyond that, ascertain the truth of the matter, then take responsibility for what they discover. Regardless of how we are raised, in the end we are all accountable for how we chose to worship our Creator; not as families, but as individuals. Getting it right is the key to our salvation.

For anyone interested in exploring any of the above, an email address is provided below for that purpose. Feel free to get in contact, and be as candid about your intentions as you can, don't be bashful. Someone once said that the silliest questions are sometimes the best questions. I look forward to hearing from you. Until then, God willing...

May God guide us always closer to the truth.


Email: ask_a_muslim@ahlisunnah.org